New Office Manger Plus role with a additional capabilities

David S

Would like an Office Manager role with additional rights to:

--View PDP (per-device password for provisioning) credentials
--Add extensions, up to the domain limit but without being able to adjust the limit
--Maybe other things I'm not thinking of that are similar

This could be a role for trusted agents or customers who have been trained on additional items and have more responsibilities delegated. My votes for name would be "Office Admin" or "Office Manager Plus" or something similar. I don't have an exhaustive list of permission requests other than the above, but I'll edit this if I run into more. Alternately, a Reseller-level account that has permission to a subset of domains rather than all reseller domains, would be similar and accomplish most of what I'm looking for her, but that's a separate (and existing, I believe) request. Though both would be nice--if we get multi-domain account below Reseller level, I would actually love to have the option of this new Office Admin or regular Reseller permissions (within allowed domains) to assign them.