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Please add the ability for us or OIT to block SMS numbers. I consider this to be a high priority as we currently have no way to...
To be able to have the system send an SMS back to a caller when I miss their call. Something like "Sorry we missed your...
When I export the Call History using the Export button, I get the columns Call Date, Call Time, From Name, Dialed, To,...
Show which carrier a DID is with in number inventory. Ideally both domain and global level.
Campaign IDs should not be available to assign with any DIDs if the campaign is not fully active / at declined status
I find the premise of Mobile X, the ability to natively tie my cell phone into my office pbx, amazing! However, after...
We really need a "No filter" Or "all call" filter in the Call Center Supervisor call history.
Currently the caller's phone number and Caller ID information only appear on voicemail emails that include a voicemail...
Users should be able to select a No Ring or silent ring option in the SNAPmobile app
We should have the capability to disable certain settings for users. For instance, we should be able to disable users ability...