Support ticket replies should copy originally-copied contacts on replies

David S

When emailing in a support ticket and copying one of my team members, especially if they have their own partner account, it would be helpful if the default was for replies to the ticket with updates to be sent to all of the original recipients and not just the originator.

While I could conceive of a reason not to do this, I think having it be the default would be more helpful than not in order to keep ongoing visibility of replies congruent throughout the process once initiated.

An alternate option of adding additional people to the recipients list (for visibility in the portal and for email reply receipt) to the open tickets in the portal would be suitable as well, if we can add users after the ticket is opened, or even if copying others on a new ticket email made them additional users in the portal automatically but they could be removed from the portal (optionally) later if desired.


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Ray Orsini

Status changed to: Closed


Ray Orsini

Our docs have been updated to be more clear. You can expect this behavior going forward.

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David S

Cool, thanks! I have sent many tickets in CCing someone on my team but don't think they've ever got a reply, though that's not an exhaustive answer. I appreciate it!


Ray Orsini

Status changed to: In progress


Ray Orsini

It should've worked this way since day one. We cannot reply all due to SF limitations. But we are supposed to add the CCs manually. We are updating our docs and reminding the techs of the need to follow this going forward.


Ray Orsini

Status changed to: Under review


Ray Orsini

Post moved to this board