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When clients log into the Selfcare portal in OneBill, and click to view invoices, at least some web browsers are blocking the...
I would like the ability to have scheduled reports run, and those be sent via email. Right now reporting is manual in OB, it...
If a product is in "Products [Wholesale]" or "Products [Retail]" we need to be able to hit the "Clone" button and clone it into...
It would be really helpful to have a history/log showing every email that has been sent out related to a Quote or Invoice....
Connectwise Integration for Contract updating, billing, ticketing, etc. Connectwise and Datto's Autotask are used by pretty...
Autotask.com Integration for Contract updating, billing, ticketing, etc. Datto Autotask and Connectwise are used by pretty...
Integration into the Xero.com SaaS accounting platform for invoicing etc. Basically same as Quickbooks just a different, widely...
Exporting the current product list into the exact CSV Template form that is required for Importing. We can quickly make changes...
Would love for there to exist a graphical template editor for invoices and especially quotes. XSLT is complex and unforgiving,...